1999 / 2000

This website is my playground. It is where I experiment, where I try new things. It could serve as a sort of portfolio, as well. It documents the changes in my programming and design skills pretty accurately over the last year or so.

Some of the "branches" are rudimentary, ugly things -- built only to try a new idea out. Some of the branches are (in my opinion) beautiful things, involving things, and thought-provoking things.

I think you should navigate this site using Internet Explorer 5. Any Netscape browser that isn't Netscape 6 is worthless.

If this is your first visit, please start at the bottom of the list, with "ht." Each branch leads to the next branch... once you've gone through the whole site, you'll end up back here.

// newest
*NEW* The HTDC arrives!
// oldest

// unviewable